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"But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
- John 14:26
There are lots of stories in the Bible where Jesus, after his resurrection but before his ascension into heaven, is with people, but they don't recognize him.

1) Mary, when she goes to the tomb to look for his body, can't find it. Then, through tear-clouded eyes, she sees a man that she thinks is the gardener, but when he says, "Mary," she knows it is Jesus.

2) Jesus' disciples are not catching any fish when a man on the shore tells them to throw their nets to the other side. They're skeptical, but when they do, the nets come up filled with fish, and they realize, "It's the Lord!"

3) Two of Jesus' disciples are walking to Emmaus when a fellow journeyer walks with them talking about scripture. Then, when they stop to break bread together, a symbol of Eucharist, their eyes are opened and they realize it is Jesus.

What Jesus was doing was teaching them that he is going to be present with them in a different way - not as a person walking alongside them as they were used to, but in a new, actually more powerful way. Jesus is going to live with them, be alongside them, comfort them, and teach them through the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Dear Lord, there are times when I don't realize just how present you are in my life. I pray for more times when I can say, "It's the Lord!" Amen.


Merci au pasteur Bobby Schuler pour ces réflexions journalières....


  • je veux remercier le Seigneur de m'avoir fait découvrir - il y a bien longtemps maintenant - que l'on pouvait s'appuyer sur des réflexions et textes dans le genre de ceux de Bobby, avant lui de son père Robert et du grand-père Robert Schuler ! ces hommes de descendance ont un mérite qui restera et je crois que notre Dieu verra lui aussi les bonnes "ouvres" qu'ils ont et vont réaliser car la quatrième génération le petit dernier,-Robert-... sera je le sais aussi un homme de foi AMEN Seigneur !

    pour traduire un traducteur google suffit pour comprendre le sens des paroles... pour le texte biblique attaché, ouvrez votre Bible et priez !

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