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  • Vingt-six Février 2012


    What's Happening While You Wait?

    Written by Jim Penner


    "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry..." -Psalm 40:1

    Like you, I've spent my life waiting - waiting to see a doctor, waiting for my turn to board a plane in a crowded airport terminal, waiting for someone to call, waiting in a checkout line at the grocery store. Some waits are mundane, some are outright boring, and some are filled with anxiety. The real question is, what's happening within us while we wait? How are we spending our time in that wait?


    In that grocery store line, or that airport terminal, or that doctor's office, are we spending time with the Lord? So much of our lives are filled with anxieties and worries, and yet, we have heard so many people say, "I have no time to pray, or read the Bible. My life is too hectic." Yet, we all spend so much of our lives waiting here or there. What if we would choose to spend those waiting times in prayer? What would happen to us while we wait?


    I love Psalm 40:1 that says, "I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry." I love it because, just as I wait patiently for the Lord, the Lord is also patiently waiting for me to call on Him.


    Our waiting times in life may just be the time that transforms our lives.


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    Heavenly Father, in these quiet times of waiting in life, I draw near to You in prayer. Cradle me in Your loving arms as I worship Your Holy name. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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    What do you do while you wait? Have you ever tried connecting with God - through prayer, worship, Bible-reading - during those times of waiting?



    Merci à vous chers lecteurs, près de 2000 visites ce mois - ci c'est un encouragement et soyez en bénis !!

  • Dix-neuf Février 2012


    Ne vous souvenez plus des choses passées, ne considérez plus celles des temps anciens.

    Voici, je vais faire une chose nouvelle; maintenant elle va se produire: ne la connaîtrez-vous pas? C'est que je mettrai un chemin dans le désert, des fleuves dans la solitude.

    Les bêtes des champs me glorifieront, les chacals avec les hiboux, parce que j'aurai mis des eaux dans le désert, des fleuves dans la solitude, pour abreuver mon peuple, mon élu.

    Le peuple que je me suis formé, racontera ma louange.

    Esaïe 43 - 18 à 21

  • Dix-huit Février 2012

    famille des peuples.jpg


    "" Chantez à l'Eternel, vous tous habitants de la terre !

    Annoncez de jour en jour son salut !

    Racontez parmi les nations sa gloire, Parmi tous les peuples ses merveilles !

    Car l'Eternel est grand et très digne de louange,

    Il est redoutable par-dessus tous les dieux !

    Car tous les dieux des peuples sont des idoles, Et l'Eternel a fait les cieux.

    La majesté et la splendeur sont devant sa face, La force et la joie sont dans sa demeure !

    Familles des peuples, rendez à l'Eternel, Rendez à l'Eternel gloire et honneur !

    Rendez à l'Eternel gloire pour son nom ! Apportez des offrandes et venez en sa présence,

    Prosternez-vous devant l'Eternel avec de saints ornements ! ""


  • Onze Février 2012


    Stormy Weather

    Written by Jim Penner


    "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." -Psalm 23:1

    One of my earliest memories as a child was when we were still living on the farm in Nebraska. While playing on our swing set on a brisk spring afternoon, I noticed storm clouds gathering in the west. Seeing those rain clouds approaching was nothing new to me, so I kept right on swinging.


    It wasn't until my mother emerged from the house with a startled look on her face did I get the impression that something was wrong. As she grabbed me up into her arms, I looked back over her shoulder and watched a funnel cloud drop out of the sky behind our barn. Before I knew it, we were in the storm cellar as winds as loud as a passing freight train billowed outside. Yet, tucked away in that basement shelter, there was nothing to fear.


    In the same way, I have often pictured myself being cradled in the loving arms of Jesus as the tangled storms of life attempt to buffet and toss me to and fro. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want," for a loving Shepherd protects His sheep even to the point of His very life. Think of it this way, a Savior willing to die for you would never ever leave you unprotected out on a swing set in the middle of a storm. You have nothing to fear in stormy weather for Jesus is Lord of all!



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    Lord Jesus, You are my loving Shepherd, therefore I know that I have nothing to fear as I'm wrapped in Your loving arms. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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    When have you been in danger and then were saved by someone older or stronger than yourself? Have you ever experienced a time when the Lord has saved you or protected you from harm? How did that make you feel?