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  • Bonne semaine de Pâques


  • bon mercredi !

    March 16, 2016
    Faith in action...
    By Pastor Bobby Schuller

    "He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people."
    -Psalm 113:7-8
    Having faith isn't enough. We need to release that faith.
    A man once shared with Oral Roberts that he had all the faith in the world, the pastor replied, "Well, that's why nothing's working out for you. You're keeping it all to yourself. You have to release your faith through action."
    We need to prove through our actions that we believe God wants the best for each one of us, we're his children, and we trust him with our lives. Faith is trust. Even though we don't know how things are going to work out, we know we serve a God that is bigger than our circumstances.
    Prayer: Dear Lord, I want my actions to speak loud and clear that I trust you with my life. Amen.

  • Possible !!

    http://lesyeuxdanslescieux.hautetfort.com/media/01/02/2936618571.3.jpgMerci à notre amie Val !
    Si tu crois que le Seigneur est vivant en toi, sache que rien ne sera plus comme avant.
    Seigneur reçois notre prière tous les jours et agis